By: Dr. Paul Cornelius

What is the knowledge of God’s will?

To be like Christ

-In John 3:33-34, 33 whoever has accepted it has certified that God is truthful. 34 For the one whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for God[a] gives the Spirit without limit.

-Hebrews 2:14, Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil—

-Jesus received discernment and wisdom without measure from the Holy Spirit, He was tempted and tested in the same way we are.

-God’s primary purpose is to be like Him, to live like Him

-God’s will is not about doing but about being.

How do you know the will of God?

  • We must first walk closely with God to hear Him.
  • Where is your relationship with God like? I’m I cultivating it?
  • Reflecting on God’s word and waiting on God’s presence

Wasting time with God

-We rarely take time to wait on God because we are all into doing something. What should I do while I wait on God? This a question that always crosses our mind.

-We shouldn’t rush into decisions before we get to hear from God.

-God’s mind and desires are written in His word, and therefore we need to take time to study it.

-Sometimes the will of God will be a seasonal thing where you will be required to serve Him in a specific area for a period of time and sometimes it can be a permanent thing, where you will dedicate your entire life to it.

-But what remains constant is that He will constantly be with you, His relationship with you will never change.

-Being gifted in one area is a clear indication where He wants you to spend your time in.

-You may have to wait for God’s revelation for as long as it may take but what should keep you going is to the desire to be more like Christ.

-During this wait, get to know God more and follow Him more closely and wasting time with Him as you wait for an answer from Him.