By: Nelson Kuria

Definition of morals:

-Moral bankrupt is the state devoid of morality and ethics. We borrow because we waste and are corrupt. We curse the good steward. References – Simon Ngwire, Mahatma Gandhi, Steve Covey.

-We need an inside out approach to personal change. Christ changes men who then change their environment. Prov.4:23 “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it”. In Dr. Robert Clinton’s

– Six phases of leadership and development, once you know you are a steward, you will not abuse your position

-Integrity means Godly character – which should be developed in early leadership

  1. John Maxwell explains – it takes character to stay at the top.
  2. Warren Buffet – also talks of integrity, intelligence and energy. Without integrity there is no trust.

-Integrity and family relationships is one of the pillars in GMN. Joshua talked of me and my house. Always say what you mean and mean what you say. Be truthful in speech.

-Abhor selfishness – play fair, not making excessive profits; avoid abuse of office, be humble, it is a privilege to be where you are and not a right.

-Be the salt and light of the world.