By: Dr. Emily Obwaka

Drugs have different kinds of consequences; wasted potential, crimes

-How we term a drug addiction is paramount to getting through the addiction to total victory.

Is a drug addiction a disease or a sin?

a. If it is categorized as a disease.

-Victims are stigmatized
-The label is a scapegoat; victims find an excuse to avoiding dealing with it
-You lose the zeal and ability to deal with the addiction
-Under the influence, they will be excused by the people around them and not held accountable to it.
-Reduces the chances of winning the battle
-Perpetual recovering

b. If it is categorized as a sin.

-Complete healing, complete victory. Addiction can be broken (1st John 3:8, 2nd Peter 3:9, 1ST Timothy 2:3-4, Luke 15:4)

How to move forward:

-The matter of the will is really important. If you really want to change, it all depends on how willing you are to get over the addiction. As leaders, crusades for the great commission speaking about Jesus and the hope that Christ can give as the answer to overcome the battle of drug addiction terming it as a disease should be discouraged as it stigmatizes the individual

  1. Declare loud and clear that addictions can be overcome
  2. Direct people who need help in the right places with a purposeful vision
  3. Provide opportunities for groups to preach or share on the hope and victory over addictions
  4. Being involved in prayer out of bondage.

-This also applies to any kind of addiction other than drug addiction such as pornography, eating disorders, gossip etc.

-In overcoming addiction, just believe that ” You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you” Philippians 4:13