By: Pete Kariuki of Inuka
Lead yourself.
-It starts with us/me. The fearful master the world to serve self; the fearless master self to serve the world. Before other people have enthusiasm, it must appear in me.
-If you want to inspire others to lead it has to be a part of your life. It has to be your lifestyle. It has been 24/7 in my life, family, job – it’s a full-time job.
-The Bystander effect: these are people who just watch but do nothing about it. They think other people will do it and so situation move from bad to worse to death.
-It is my responsibility to break the barrier of saying “it not my business”. Volunteer is not easy; everything rises and falls on a leader. Teach your children how to work instead of betting. If my action inspires others to lead, I should work and do more, find out what they are and do.
“Treat your first followers as equal. Ultimate goal is not to create followers but leader’s (miles Munroe
What kind of a leader are you?
- Domineering leader: has intimidating personality. Produces a hesitant leader; they don’t have a say.
- Secretive leaders: produces guarded followers, people speak in whispers.
- Passive leaders: produces disengaged followers; those do not come when you plan for them to come. People who are not quick to take initiative.
- Healthy leaders: produces faithful followers. They are balanced and does not lean a lot on either the task or people. The followers will do above average.
- Empowering leader: produces other leaders; builds leaders. Your responsibility is to take people from being dependence to being independent. They have their vision, focus, know what they are going for. Move from being independent to being interdependent; pushing, pressing, pushing and pressing until one is transformed.
- Situational leadership: enables you to be 1 – 5 because you want to save a situation.
-Small thins adjust to bigger changes. Form a relationship first before delegating. Always relate first.