By: Prof. Bellon

Mentoring is a relational experience where one person shares their God given resources with others. It involves teaching, learning etc. Above all it is an investment.

The greatest challenge we have is myself. How to satisfy I. What motivates us is self.

The call to mentor is to deny ourselves. We need to be selfless. Jesus used mentoring in empowering leaders. Jesus poured and invested his life in people. The first testimony is that these people were with Jesus. Jesus entrusted great treasure to these people. The Lord is calling us to do it His way. Pouring our lives into others’ lives

Key Issues on mentoring

1. Leaders draw strength from grace to mentor

The challenge for Timothy was he needed to draw strength from grace. Grace is undeserved favour. Paul encouraged Timothy even at the moment when he had no strength to draw grace from Jesus Christ. It is the grace of God that keeps us. There is nothing we can accomplish in our own strength. To mentor effectively, sustainably, endurably, you need strength- and that is the Lord Jesus Christ. We need to draw strength in God in way of wisdom and knowledge. Otherwise, what we have is a mere show and accounts to nothing. We need to grow stronger in life, resolution etc. The amount of flesh would fail us; the strategy of men will limit us. The strength of God never fails. You need to allow Christ to form you.

2. Leaders grow with mentors

We were created for interdependence. We support and depend on each other. Our lives are meant to connect with others so as to be successful. It is in the process of mentoring others that we grow. Do you want to grow as a mentor/ mentee? The most sustainable way to grow is to teach others. If we don’t mentor, we deny ourselves opportunities to grow. There is never going to be a time when you have it all together. Whatever God has endowed you with, He is expecting you to start using it.

If you give power, you get power. If you hoard power, you lose the power you have. As you do that (give power), you multiply the power you have. Jesus came to serve and not to be served. Mentors grow as they mentor other people. Make decision now to mentor others. Wherever you are, there are people above and below you who can be mentored. As you grow, your mentees grow. You grow in patience, tolerance, etc. Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be broken.

3. Leaders develop mentees in the open.

2 Timothy 2:2 ‘And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others’

Mentoring is not done in secret. Everyone would know that something is going on. Paul said things in the open among many witnesses. Paul was sharing to all. Mentoring is about generosity. If you are a stingy person, you cannot mentor. Mentoring is about giving and giving. When God loved us he gave us his son. When you are generous, you cannot be secret. You cannot have a private life. As a mentor, you should be open and willing to share. Your mentees should see you tired, loose it, at peak times, at your lowest. Every aspect of your life is important for them. JR-Clinton said on Mentoring; Generosity is a choice you make. You should have the generosity of Jesus.

4. Leaders entrust valuable treasures to their mentees.

Entrust reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others. Entrust is to be made a steward. Something you do not own. Teaching others, modelling, encouraging others to become more. You are a steward of God. The resources are not just meant for you but also for others. Entrust to qualified people. Mentees must be uncorrupted and willing to share with others. What we receive is not just for us to keep but to share out. Mentees should be available, teachable, willing to grow, eager

5. Leaders mentor for others, that others may do more.

Leaders release mentees to mentor others – It is a sacrificial service. Every leader needs a Paul (a mentor), Barnabas (Encourager), Timothy (a mentee)